Warm Space Initiative
To support with the cost of living crisis, Bury Council asked for warm safe spaces for people to go to keep warm and get hot drinks etc.
FGRS is a registered warm space as part of the initiative.
School Uniform Shop
We offer new and used uniform for all primary and high schools across Bury for a small charge. The shop can can be accessed during opening times
If you will struggle to make these times due to work etc please email
helpf@fgrscommunityhub.co.uk.com and we will arrange a time that suits.
Uniforms are accessible to all. You do not need to be in receipt of benefits. You do not need a referral, unless you want something we don't have. We may ask for further information via email.
Food Pantry
There is no joining fee or membership for accessing our pantry. Customers can access the pantry once a week, paying £3 for 12 items. Families can pay £5 so they can access baby items. You do not need to be on benefits to access the pantry. If you have no income and require a full food parcel, please email.